Monday, July 9, 2007

More Like Office FREEDOM

Things to do at work when the shite database server you use is down:

1. Spin in your chair for twenty minutes.

2. Go to Perez Hilton and Dlisted every half and hour.

3. Check your e-mail.

4. Go to Facebook and creep for an hour. Post messages on your co-workers walls who are equally as bored,

5. Research the nutritional value of cherries. (Antioxidant and potential heart attack preventative. Neat!)

6. Sketch a photo of Daniel Radcliffe from Details magazine.

7. Research Harry Potter.

8. Watch Youtube videos of Pleo the robotic dinosaur.

9. Make an art display of the empty water bottles littering your desk.

10. Write blog posts while at work.

1 comment:

t-bone said...

Has Mom bought you a Pleo robot yet?