Tuesday, April 3, 2007

I Already Hate My Blog Title

How do you pick an appropriate blog title? I realize that this blog is probably temporary and that it will most likely go in the same direction as my old blog (may it rest in peace) but still, the title is something to worry about. I mean, Nail Biter? Yeah, it definitely says a lot about me. I bite my nails like it's my profession. I've actually wondered how much other people notice it in me. During a recent bout of paranoia, I envisioned myself appearing in the Dalhousie Gazette in an article about the weirdo's you always see at school. Under the heading "Finger-stubs" there'd be a picture of me, mid-bite with wide eyes full of shame and embarassment. I hate biting my nails but I also love it. What other non-harmful habit can you indulge in? There's the odd hair chewers but they're less accepted than the nail biters. There's the pen-twirlers but that's more of a habit based on boredom. The versitility of nail biting is, I think, what makes it such an enjoyable practice. Not only do I bite my nails when I'm stressed but I also do it when I'm mentally intrgued by something. Good book? I'm biting. Scary movie? Yup, I'm biting. Blog-writing? Hey, look at that, I'm biting. I guess I do bite my nails on a remarkable amount of occasions but I don't want it to define me. That's why I'd like to propose that nail biting can be seen as a loose metaphor for...wait for it...LIFE. We all have our vices; Along with the nail munching I've become enamoured by the effects of caffeine and alcohol and most recently mixing both together. It's my way of coping with the stresses of everyday life. Even blog writing has helped me calm down for the onslaught of tests I have tomorrow. Although when I say help I really mean distract and therefore contribute to my declination as a university student. But seeing as how this is my last year of university and that I've been doing the same stupid shit for four years I can't say that I am too worried. After all, isn't everyone just a bunch of nail biters waiting for that golden day when their nails have grown so long that they can finally scratch their heads with relish? Think about it... I know I have.

1 comment:

t-bone said...

what does that even mean?